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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Children's Artwork

My children produce a TON of artwork daily. I love it all, I really do, but if I don't get rid of some of it, it will take over the house! I've tried having my children help choose which works of art to save and which to "pass along for someone else to enjoy", but that just brought hurt feelings.

What works for me is to stack up all of the artwork in a location that's out of sight with the hopes of out of sight, out of mind. This may sound very un-mommyish, but after a week or so, if I haven't been asked for any of those pieces of art, they go out in the trash. I felt like the world's worst mom the first time I threw away some of my kids' creations. Now, it still isn't fun, but I know that I can't possibly keep it all. I am very careful to date and save any handprints or footprints my children do, though. Those go straight to the kids' memory bins. I also tend to hang onto drawings of the family or self-drawings.

One idea I've heard from other moms involves scanning artwork into the computer to use as a screen saver or to save on disk. I may have to try that sometime.

How do you manage your children's artwork?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Saving Envelopes

Here's a quick thought for the day to get your mind going on how you can repurpose items. Well, this time it isn't truly repurposing an item, but you get the idea.

We choose to receive our bills in paper form. We like to have a hard copy on file to refer to later if needed. Most companies, however, will allow you to pay online for no additional cost. We'll generally go that route to save on the cost of the check and postage. I was throwing away the envelope and inserts until this week.

My 5 year old is often asking for envelopes to put things in. I hate to "waste" an envelope so he has one to use, but I also hate to stifle his creativity. I had an "aha" moment earlier this week. I now pull out any return envelopes from bills and place them in a bin for the kids. They now can use envelopes to their heart's content. I now have less paper waste and am saving money because I'm no longer having to buy so many envelopes. A winner all around!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Efficiency = Found Time

I usually start each day with a list of things I want to get done that day. I don't always accomplish the goal of crossing everything off that list, but I like to try. I can be really bad about not using every last minute to my advantage. Now, I don't mean that I have to be working all the time, but if I want to read a book, why not read a page here, a few there instead of not even trying?

It was 40 minutes until I needed to pick my daughter up from preschool today. My youngest needed a nap, but there was no way to squeeze one in before we needed to leave. I started to get into "hang out" mode to wait until it was time to leave. That's when it hit me. Yes, it's obvious, but why not get one task done before picking "Princess" up instead of waiting until afterwards? Um, hello?

I packed "Little Guy" into the minivan, and cruised on down to the library to return the books that were due today. I managed to get to "Princess's" school with time to spare. This extra time usually goes wasted, but not today. Today I thought ahead and brought along a sweatshirt that needed some sewing done to fix it. Voila! Lost time, found!

I was so impressed with my thinking ahead that I think I'm going to try to make a habit of it. I think I'll keep something I need to do in the minivan so I can be more efficient. Efficiency = found time!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

This must be receipt week!

I don't know why I am doing so many receipt posts this week. I must have receipts on the brain! I'd mentioned before how important it can be to hang onto receipts. Well, it's equally important to check your receipt after each purchase, and here's why:

I've purchased chicken at the grocery store before and was overcharged for all three. I stopped at the customer service desk on my way out. That particular grocery store will give you an item for free if it rings up wrong. They only do that on the first of any particular item, but not only did I get back the extra I'd paid, but I received one of them for free. Wahoo! That saved me (with the freebie and overcharges refunded) about $5.00!

After eating at one of my favorite fast food restaurants, my husband handed me our receipt and pointed out the survey request. I'm guilty about not looking closely at fast food restaurant receipts, but I'll be more observant from here on out. I filled out an online survey in less than 5 minutes and will get a free chicken sandwich for my time. The best part was that my hubby and I ordered our food at different times, so we get two free chicken sandwiches!

Do you check your receipts? What's been the best deal you've received because of checking your receipt?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Funny Thing for Today...

I used to be the type of person who wouldn't buy anything unless I knew for sure that it was exactly what I wanted. I have fortunately been broken of that habit. With kids in tow, sometimes it's more important for me to just grab and go and hope whatever I bought works. This method of shopping has led me to become quite acquainted with the return process.

Recently I was back at Target to make yet another return. I hauled my bag and receipt up to the return counter, went through the return process, then continued on to do the shopping I needed to do that day. I didn't think anything of that day's return until yesterday.

Yesterday I was going through our receipts and breaking them down into the categories in which we made our purchases. (We like to track our spending in each category.) I entered the Target receipt into Quicken and started to file away the receipt until I noticed what it was that I had returned - a toilet seat and a utensil tray. Although the seat was unused and still in its packaging, I had still placed both items in the same bag. Yes, call me strange for even thinking anything of it, but ewww! At least I wasn't going to be needing that utensil tray!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Toys, Toys, and More Toys!

Oh my gosh do my kids have tons of toys! Granted, it does look a bit worse because most of our kids' toys are in one room in the basement, but holy cow! It's actually rather embarrassing. When you have three children of different ages and both boys and a girl, it's hard to get rid of toys.

I hit my, "We need to get rid of some of these toys!" point the other day. I tend to develop attachments to things until I start to get stressed out because of the clutter. At that point, everything is fair game! When I told the kids we needed to start cleaning up and they were complaining that there was too much, I knew some of these much-loved toys needed to go. I have a really hard time throwing away perfectly good items. I hate to feel wasteful, so I'll always garage sale, donate to Goodwill, or Freecycle something that I think still has a lot of life in it.

I did throw away all of those little kids' meal toys that just clutter up the place. Then, I pulled out some of the lesser used toys. We have so many kids' items, that I think we'll actually have a garage sale this year. To make preparing for a garage sale easier, I wrote prices for each toy on a sheet of paper that I tucked in the bag with the toys. Now, when garage sale time rolls around, we just have to write the price on some tape and stick it to the toy. (Okay, so in reality, my husband will be doing that because if I do it, I'll start to second-guess myself.)

You know, I just had a realization. Part of the reason I feel bad about getting rid of the kids' toys is that someone spent time and hard earned money to purchase each toy for the kids. Here's my "aha!" idea... I think I'll have my dear hubby keep track of how much money is earned from selling the toys. Once it's all done, we can split that amount of money into three, and deposit it into each of our kids' savings accounts. It's the best of both worlds. We don't have toys laying around that aren't being used, and the kids have extra savings because of those toys.

Now there are still a ton of toys in the kids' play area, but there's plenty of time until our garage sale to weed out a few more toys. Just don't tell my kids!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Organize the Recycling?

Thursday was recycling day for us. I started recycling when we lived in Ohio where there were drop-off places you could easily drop off your recyclables. Where we live now, there are drop-off trucks at particular sites on particular days. Recycling is fantastic for us because it means we only have one garbage can worth of garbage a week, it's good for the environment, and it's free!

We used to just drop our recyclables in an old clothes hamper we had laying around. Now, though, unlike in Ohio, we have to sort our recyclables. This wasn't a big deal for me to do when dropping everything off until it started to get cold. I'd rather just dump and go! I started sorting our recyclables in plastic grocery bags and leaving those lying on the floor of the garage. Well, dear hubby wasn't too hot on that idea. I can't say I blame him. =) That was when he came up with a free and very basic idea. Check it out:

My dear hubby labeled clothes pins so we'd know which type recyclable goes in which bag. The hamper on the floor is for our cardboard, paper, and glass items. We bag the paper and glass and leave them in the hamper because they can be so heavy. Our system isn't pretty, but it's working quite well for us. We plan at some point to pick up bins to hang in our garage, but that's way down on our priority list.

Hmmm, this gives me an idea.... Maybe instead of my coming up with ideas of how to organize everything around here, I should have the kids and my hubby come up with their own ideas. Maybe if I let them get in on the action, they'll be more likely to help me keep everything organized.

I'll have to test that theory...